Legal Alert | Consolidated Debt Register
Law No. 21.680 was published, aimed at debtors and credit grantors, in order to improve credit assessment and provide more information to the Financial Market Commission.
Legal Alert : Alcohol Law Regulations
On Sunday 7 July, the first stage of the Regulation of Law No. 21.363, which amended the Alcohol Law on labelling and advertising, comes into force.
Legal Alert | Environment
Biodiversity Offsets Regulation The public information period for the drafting of the Biodiversity Offsets Regulation for the environmental assessment of projects is now open.
Legal Alert | Life Sciences
Law N° 21.673
New substitute tax
The bill recently passed by the National Congress provides for a substitute tax on retained earnings.
Regulation on Economic Solvency Analysis and Consumer Information
Draft law regulating artificial intelligence systems
Corporate Area / Capital Markets
On 15 April 2024, the Financial Market Commission (CMF) published for consultation the regulations governing the Open Finance System of the so-called Fintec Law (Law No. 21.521). The proposed regulation is available for comments until 15 May 2024.
Framework Law on Cybersecurity and Critical Information Infrastructure published
The law establishes cybersecurity requirements, a new institutional framework and a new infringement regime.